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Emergencies at the Super Bowl

Super Bowl emergencies aren't quite what people think of on the big game day, but they happen. Kings III highlights some example emergency scenarios and reasons why Super Bowl attendees are lucky to have access to Kings III phones at the NRG Stadium.

Safety Tips for the Property Manager

Property managers often overlook some of the dangers associated with meeting strangers and showing their properties alone. This blog post offers property manager safety tips that lessen the likelihood of a dangerous situation while on the job.

Kings III and Apartment Complex Safety

Unfortunately, in multi-family property management, there are many types of emergencies that can occur within your apartment complex. This blog posts walks through a video featuring some such emergencies and explains what Kings III does to help.

Hold Occupants Liable and Reduce Property Management Costs

In property management, it is often hard to cut costs without sacrificing the safety or quality of a building. This blog post suggests doing so by holding occupants liable for some responsibilities and costs with 2 specific techniques on how to do so.

Property Management- What NOT to Do

This blog post contains common mistakes made in property management that can have significant repercussions. Property managers should avoid these items in order to perform optimally and constantly improve.

Testing Your Emergency Phones

Emergency phones serve a very important purpose, but if you do not regularly test your phones, they may not be code compliant or even function safely and effectively. This blog covers how to easily test your phones to ensure functionality and compliance.

Get to Know Our Emergency Communications Operators

In this post, we interview some of Kings III's emergency communications operators for an inside look at what it's like for them within our emergency communications center, including what is the craziest call they have ever had to take.

Attracting Millennial Occupants

As millennials continue to make up a larger and larger share of those renting properties, it is important for property managers to take measures to make their rentals attractive to this generation. This blog post provides guidelines on how to do so.

8 Women Who Shaped the Future of Emergency Response & Dispatch

This Women’s History Month, Kings III is honoring the women who have paved the way in emergency response and dispatch. From breaking barriers in EMS to pioneering advancements in emergency communication, these trailblazers have helped shape the way lifesaving services operate today. See eight influential women whose contributions continue to impact the field and inspire future generations.

Honoring Black Pioneers: 7 Influential Figures in Emergency Communications & Response

This Black History Month, Kings III is honoring Black men and women who served as pioneers in the fields of emergency dispatch and emergency response. See 7 influential trailblazers who broke barriers, advanced life-saving technologies, and shaped the way emergency services operate today.

How Recent Spikes in Copper Theft Threaten Your Emergency Communication & What You Can Do About It

Rising copper theft is putting emergency communication systems at risk, leading to potential service outages. Without a reliable backup, property managers may face compliance issues and safety concerns. Learn more about the threat and how a cellular solution can help protect your property.

Is Your Hotel’s Emergency Communication System Up to Code?

Hotel emergency communication systems must meet strict safety and compliance standards, but are yours up to code? From elevator phones to pool and parking lot emergency call systems, we break down key requirements and how to ensure your property stays compliant.

Kings III & Wurtec Partner to Improve the Emergency Communication Market of Elevator Video Messaging Systems

Kings III Emergency Communications partners with Wurtec to enhance elevator video messaging systems, addressing new code requirements for two-way displays and video monitoring. The collaboration combines Kings III's emergency response expertise with Wurtec's industry solutions to provide streamlined, compliant elevator safety communications nationwide.

Kings III Makes Dallas Morning News’ ‘Top 100 Places to Work’ List, Marking 5th Consecutive Award

We're honored to be recognized by our employees and The Dallas Morning News by making the daily newspaper’s Top 100 Places to Work list for the 5th year in a row, falling in at 32nd in the midsize companies category.

Updated Elevator Code: Who are my Authorized Personnel?

Confused about who qualifies as "authorized personnel" under the new ASME 17.1 elevator code? Learn why the same authorized staff must monitor all emergency communications—audio, video, and messaging—and why split monitoring solutions won't meet compliance requirements for your building's safety system.

2024 Brings Increased Adoption of Codes Requiring Video and Two-Way Messaging for Elevator Communications

As 2024 progresses, the adoption of safety codes mandating video and two-way messaging capabilities for elevator communications is gaining momentum across the United States.

What an Emergency Dispatcher will Most Likely Ask You

When suddenly faced with an emergency, you may immediately feel frightened and helpless. An emergency communications system can help reduce or eliminate those reactions by providing immediate assistance. Here's what you can expect on the other side of a call you place from an emergency phone.

Kings III Makes The Dallas Morning News Top 100 Places to Work List Becoming a 4x Winner

We're honored to be recognized by our employees and The Dallas Morning News by making the daily newspaper’s Top 100 Places to Work list for the 4th year in a row, falling in at 26th in the midsize companies category.

January 2024 Elevator Code Updates in Florida

Florida property managers have finally completed DLM requirements in their elevators (hopefully). But wait, there's more! Florida will adopt ASME 2019 starting January 1, 2024. Learn what this means, how you can comply, and get guidance from our code experts.

Survey Reveals Gaps in Building Emergency Communications Plans

A recent survey of property management professionals revealed that while more than 60 percent of respondents were aware that telecom companies are phasing out POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service, also known as analog copper land lines), nearly half reported their elevator emergency communication systems are still based on this endangered technology.

Successful Hotel CO Inspections

A CO is a vital requirement before opening your new-build/renovated hotel. One area we often see overlooked within the process is telecommunications. To help get you started, we’ve compiled a checklist of key telecom-specific items to consider that may be subject to inspection.

How is Elevator Liability Defined?

One of a building owner’s worst nightmares: a passenger gets into an elevator in perfect health but ends the ride with a serious physical or psychological injury. Thankfully, this is an extremely rare scenario, but all those involved in building management should know exactly how to define elevator liability and take action if an incident occurs.

How is Your Premise Liability Law IQ?

A premises liability lawsuit holds a property owner responsible for any damages arising out of an injury on that person or entity's property. Keeping your property safe is, therefore, your number-one priority. Here's exactly what you need to know.

Kings III of America Announces CEO Transition

Kings III today announced that as part of a thoughtful succession process, Dennis Mason will be stepping down as Chief Executive Officer and transitioning to Senior Advisor. Norm Nelson, who has served as Chief Operating Officer since 2018, will succeed Mr. Mason as CEO.

Apple iPhone Setting Ties Up 911 Call Centers

A recent news story highlights how an iPhone safety feature may be adversely affecting 911 call centers. Here's what property managers should be thinking about when it comes to their own onsite emergencies.

Types of Emergency Phones: Glossary and Resources

If you are looking into information on emergency phones, it’s worth getting some context on all emergency response options at a high level. Here, we’ll attempt to do just that with a ‘types of emergency phones’ glossary where we’ll provide important facts and links to outside resources for ALL types of emergency phones, along with special considerations.

Winter-Proof Your Elevators

When elevators break down or work improperly, especially during inclement weather, we are reminded of their vital importance. Pay attention to the following items, especially in winter weather, to help keep your elevators running safely and smoothly.

Kings III Makes The Dallas Morning News Top 100 Places to Work List Becoming a 3x Winner

We're honored to be recognized by our employees and The Dallas Morning News by making the daily newspaper’s Top 100 Places to Work list for the 3rd year in a row, falling in at 28th in the midsize companies category.

Best Practices for Using Video Surveillance on Your Property

Video surveillance is a common life safety tool for property managers. In fact, the latest elevator safety codes show how it can even be an essential component of emergency response for those with a disability. Here are some best practices to keep in mind when adding video surveillance to your security mix.

Arcline Investment Management to Acquire Kings III of America

Arcline Investment Management ("Arcline"), a growth-oriented private equity firm, today announced the acquisition of Kings III of America ("Kings III"), a leading third-party provider of elevator and pool emergency monitoring solutions in North America, from Rockbridge Growth Equity and Thayer Street Partners.

Saving Labor and Service Costs During Inflation

We simply can’t ignore the elephant in the room: inflation is causing unprecedented rises in prices. Learn how turnkey solutions with maintenance included can be your saving grace as a property manager.

How Your Life Safety Devices are Impacted by Landline Technology Phaseout

In our space, there’s been a lot of chatter about FCC Order 10-72a1 and how it is impacting copper/analog/plain old telephone service (POTS) phone lines. With this comes deteriorating service and significantly higher phone line costs. Learn your best options for addressing this with your emergency phones.

May is Building Safety Month

Building Safety Month is an international campaign celebrated in May to raise awareness about building safety. Learn more about what you can do to further the initiative here in this blog post.

What You Need to Know About IBC 2021 Elevator Phone Code Requirements

While it’s been over a year since IBC 2021 was released, many are still familiarizing themselves with the elevator phone code requirements and how to navigate them, as significant accessibility changes have been made. We’re here to help clear that up for you.

Property Safety for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Tenants

Although, of course, those with hearing loss or deafness can continue to live independent and productive lives, there are unique needs and accommodations associated with them, and it is in your best interest as a property manager to keep their safety in mind. Here are some considerations to make when helping to protect your deaf/hard-of-hearing tenants.

How To Deter Illegal Activity On Your Property

Here, we list the most common types of illegal activities that take place on multifamily residential properties and how you can sniff them out. Finally, we detail the steps you can take once you discover the illegal activity while reducing the chance of harm to you and other tenants.

Kings III Makes The Dallas Morning News Top 100 Places to Work List Becoming a 2x Winner

Kings III was honored to be recognized by its employees and The Dallas Morning News by making the daily newspaper’s Top 100 Places to Work list, falling in at 17th in the midsize companies category, jumping from its 26th standing in the previous year.

How to Handle After-Hours Emergencies

Not all on-site emergencies take place during regular working hours, but that doesn't make them any less important to address. Here's how property managers can effectively respond to property emergencies occurring after-hours without an unrealistic, burdensome workload.

The 5 Most Common Reasons Smartphones Fail at Property Safety

If you rely on tenants' smartphone use as an on-site emergency response, you're opening up some liability issues when it comes to property safety. Here's what you need to know.

Prepare an Emergency Plan for Your Fitness Center

Because your fitness center could be one of the more popular amenities on your property, it certainly brings a need for a plan to manage risks that can occur. If you haven’t already, it’s important to establish life safety and emergency response practices specifically designated for the area. Here are some of the essentials.

Elevator Communications and Data Connection Requirements: Properly Evaluating Security Risk, Reliability and Encumbrances

There’s a lot to consider when thinking about the new elevator emergency communication code requirements. Deciding to use your own network creates a long checklist and more work for you. Granting a third party vendor access to your network is an option but has risks. Here are a few things to consider when making your decision.

Check Your Property Crime Stats for 2021

As part of Building Safety Month, we’re taking a look at some fundamental property crime statistics that all property managers should know, adding in some of our own crime prevention and crime response tips.

The Downfalls of Using a Deactivated Cell Phone for Your Emergency Pool Phone

We have found as an emergency pool phone provider that there are multifamily communities unaware that their current pool phone service is actually using a deactivated cell phone. Depending on the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), this often does not pass inspection for several reasons. This puts both property managers and their tenants at risk. Learn why.  

Kings III Expands Emergency Monitoring Benefit via FirstNet Network: What You Should Know

Kings III equipment has been approved for the use of FirstNet, built by AT&T, which is a long-term evolution (LTE) network that gives first priority to first responders and other public safety personnel. Learn more here.

Kings III Emergency Communications’ M90 Phone is Now FirstNet Ready®

After a rigorous review process, Kings III’s emergency phone host control panel, the M90, is now FirstNet Ready™ and ready for use on FirstNet®, a public safety network. Learn items of note.

Recent Winter Storms Highlight Need to Plan for All Contingencies in an Emergency

See how Kings III's emergency dispatch center was able to run as-usual during the mass Texas power outages and how we're prepared to do so in any outage.

Elevator Entrapment Tips

Access easy, applicable tips for property managers when it comes to elevator entrapment follow-up and advice to give tenants stuck in an elevator.

Kings III Lands Spot on Top Workplaces USA 2021

Kings III is honored to be recognized by its employees and The Top Workplaces National Programs by earning the Top Workplaces USA 2021 reward in the 150-499 employees category, ranking in the top 5% for multiple culture drivers including clued-in employees, supportive managers, strong values, meaningful work, leaders-in-the-know, employee appreciation, and cross-team cooperation.

Six Ways to Rid Your Property of Crime

None of us want to deal with criminal activity, but in the case of property managers and building owners, who hold some liability for the safety of tenants and visitors, crime prevention is especially important. Here are six ways to help prevent crime on your property.

Kings III Makes The Dallas Morning News Top 100 Places to Work List

Kings III Emergency Communications, a privately-owned emergency help phone-monitoring company based in Coppell, was honored to be recognized by its employees and The Dallas Morning News by making the daily newspaper’s Top 100 Places to Work list, falling in at 26th in the midsize companies category.

San Diego Building Solves Telephony Service Issues While Realizing Substantial Savings

Have you encountered service issues and missed potential savings with your current telecom provider? There's a better way.

How Building Certifications May Attract Potential Tenants

Building certifications are an official way to set your property apart and authentically advertise its high quality and superior features. Getting certified can boost your building’s bottom line, further focus your marketing strategy and, ultimately, attract tenants. Here, we list some of the most popular and highly regarded building certifications in commercial real estate.

Dealing With Burglary as a Property Manager

Here are some ways you can prevent and report burglaries that could happen on your property in order to keep tenants safe and to reduce your own liability.

Emergency Response Quick Reference Guide

Emergencies can suddenly turn your safe, familiar, comfortable property into a danger zone, and it is essential to have places to turn to help you and your tenants get through it. Here is a list of good emergency resources to get you started.

6 Property Manager and Building Owner Liabilities

Your legal liability as a property manager and/or building owner may vary from state to state, but, generally speaking, there is a core of common liabilities that many in the industry face. Pay special attention to these common causes of property manager and building owner liabilities and act accordingly.

Hidden Telephony Costs May Be A Bigger Item Than You Think

Property managers are always looking to reduce waste and effectively forecast but many times it's the overlooked expenses that become a big ticket item.

Tips To Help Ensure Your Building Is Up To Code (In Any State)

When is the last time you stepped back and looked at the bigger picture of how your building syncs up with its building code and why this is so important? Here, we take a closer look at some of the more common building-code requirements and why the most obvious violations are often overlooked, even unintentionally.

What the 3G Sunset Means For You

Are you prepared for the sunset of 3G communications? Don't risk disruption to your business by waiting to transition to 4G/LTE, get ahead with Kings III.

Three Reasons Why Emergency Response Should Be Consistent Across All Your Properties

Are you confident with the emergency response across all properties in your portfolio? Can all of your tenants expect the same care? Here we discuss three reasons why not streamlining this process could be a big mistake.

Emergency Phone Usage May Seem Low, but the Stakes are High

Should you disable your emergency phone during the off-season (pool phone) or can the monitoring cost be based on usage? Here's the information you need to know.

Things to Consider When Opening Your Pool During a Pandemic

Stay-at-home orders are being lifted and we are looking for the “new normal.” But what does that mean and how does that impact pool season?

Get To Know Our Essential Workers

To us, our emergency operators are always “essential workers,” but as Kings III has continued to operate as critical infrastructure throughout the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, they are now officially deemed as essential by the country. Get to know three of our operators a little better and learn more about our emergency dispatch center in this interview.

Elevator Cleanliness and Best Practices to Protect You and Your Property

These tips will help you with the extra steps you need to take to make sure your property is ready to re-enter an evolving business landscape.

Multifamily Tips for Your Elevators & Common Areas Following COVID-19

With residents home now more than ever, multifamily property managers face a unique set of COVID-19 challenges. Here are some industry-specific tips to keep in mind both during shelter-in-place orders as well as after, when settling into the new normal.

What A Labor Shortage Could Mean for Your Property’s Security Plan

Property managers who rely solely on in-person security likely never expected that a complimentary emergency response system was necessary. Consider the following.

Kings III Appoints New Emergency Dispatch Center Director

Kings III, an all-inclusive turnkey emergency monitoring service for building owners and property managers is pleased to have Michelle Lindus join the company as Emergency Dispatch Center Director.

Kings III Appoints New CSO

As Kings III continues to pursue our aggressive growth goals, we are excited to have Tod now leading our sales team. His experience speaks for itself and his ability to lead from the front and motivate while working cross functionally will be an invaluable asset.

Kings III Continues to Operate As Critical Infrastructure During COVID-19 Crisis

Deemed critical infrastructure, Kings III continues to operate during this unclear and difficult time. Learn more about what that means here.

The Most Current Drowning Statistics

What do you consider when evaluating on-site pool safety? The Consumer Product Safety Commission reported the most recent state of pool hazards in a recent study-- here's what you need to know.

Tenant Satisfaction is on the Rise. How You Doin?

Recent survey findings show a general increase in tenant satisfaction across almost all commercial property types. See the stats on what's contributing and how you can keep up here.

How Safe Is Your Retail Store?

Life safety lies at the top of the priority list for those who manage a retail space, now more than ever with the frequent retail crimes highlighted by the media. Here, we give thought to some ways to strategize a safer retail establishment.

Elevator Video & Text Communication for 2019 ASME Code Update

Recent changes to the ASME code will change how entrapped passenger communicate with emergency personnel. What does that mean for property managers and those who are responding to the emergency calls?

Life Safety Considerations When Renting to Seniors

Renting to a more seasoned crowd  sometimes comes with a separate set of issues and concerns that you may not face with younger tenants. Here's our tips.

Will Your VoIP System Come Through For You In An Emergency?

When it comes to emergency communication, modern marvels like cell phones and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) may not be your most practical option. Here, we raise some awareness to the limitations of utilizing VoIP for emergency calls made from your property.

New York Approves Elevator Safety Act

Governor Andrew Cuomo has approved the Elevator Safety Act, which raises the standard for New York's elevator mechanics. Here's what you need to know.

What To Consider When Hiring Security Guards For Your Property

When it comes to your property’s life safety and security, the ultimate goal is to show your tenants that protection and prevention are your top concerns. Consider a security guard as part of a well-planned mix with emergency communications technology.

WFAA Points Out Elevator Safety Concerns in Texas

Recent news in Texas highlights why elevator safety requires more than passing an elevator inspection. What can you do to protect your property and tenants?

Recent News Reveals Elevator Rides Turned Tragic. What Can We Do?

This blog post references a recent event that was by all accounts a tragedy, but we're not here to scare you or point fingers. We simply want to raise awareness that elevator accidents can occur anywhere. What can you do to improve the situation?

How To Make Good Use of Vacant or Derelict Space

Vacant spaces: not ideal, but something property managers must deal with. When not attended to properly, they can become a safety hazard, but by taking the right actions, not only can you make those area safer, you can even use them to your advantage.

Learn From The Three Best Consumer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction is a priority that is not unique to the property management industry. Here, we'll take a look at how property managers can improve tenant experience using examples of the best customer satisfaction surveys across all industries.

America Is Becoming A Renter Nation. Are You Ready ?

Statistics show that more and more Americans are opting for renting over buying. In this blog post, we'll break down the data trends by area and look into what this means for you as the property manager.

What You May Not Know About Floods

More than any other weather-related hazards, flooding is the main cause of death, according to the NWS. Why? Most people underestimate the force and power of water. Think about your property and tenants; are they vulnerable to this underestimation?

Reshape Your Management Style to Suit Millennial Tenants

Generation-wise, millennials are currently dominating the renting market. Here's what you can do as a property manager to attract them to your site.

Kings III Acquires ESRM Communications

We are excited to announce our acquisition of ESRM Communications.

Run-Hide-Fight! Strategies To Use in an Active Shooter Situation

After the recent August 3rd active shootings, the reality is more salient now than ever: we ALL need to be prepared for this type of scenario. Here, self defense expert, Chad Talbot, provides actionable life safety measures to take to help when it counts.

Concierge-Like Services Attract More Tenants

For today's tenants, it is all about the experience. Consider the the Ritz Carlton concierge methodology and how you can apply it to your site in order to provide your building's occupants with service that stands out. Here's what you should know.

Are You On Demand Enough For Your Tenants ?

With things like next day shipping and food delivery apps, it's undeniable that our generation seeks instant gratification, and your tenants' satisfaction relies on it. How can property managers keep up? Here are some tips.

Top Items to Look for in a Good Vendor

When it comes to property management, your vendors can make or break you when it comes to life safety and overall tenant satisfaction. How can you make sure you're making the right choice? Work smarter not harder in your selection process with these tips.

Kings III Joins Its BOMA International Cornerstone Partners to Support Volunteers of America

Kings III doubles down on BOMA Cornerstone Partner efforts with an additional donation to Volunteers of America at national conference.

Your Elevator Phone Line Replacement Strategy

With the sunset of traditional copper phone lines, many property managers have recognized the need to migrate away from analog service for their critical systems. What about your emergency phones? This guide tells you what you need to know.

Choosing An Elevator Phone Monitoring Company : The Risks

Choosing who monitors your elevator phone may seem like a straight forward decision, but it has many implications on your property's overall safety and, ultimately, your liability. Here's what you need to know about your elevator monitoring service company.

What You Should Know About Pool and Outdoor Safety

Kings III is the leading provider of communication solutions for code required emergency pool phones, often called 911 phones.

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Reasons For Low Tenant Satisfaction

With so many options available to them, it truly is a tenant's world, making tenant satisfaction and the tenant experience more important than ever. When it comes to tenant satisfaction, you want to stand out- but not in a bad way. Avoid these DON'Ts.

How Social Media Is Transforming Emergency Communications

Culturally, we have ingrained social media within all aspects of our lives- even disasters and emergencies. As a property manager, how does this affect your site's emergency response and overall emergency communications? We'll walk you through it.

Combating Crime On Your Property

Simply put, preventing crime on your property is necessary due to liability. Criminal acts can range in danger and severity, but even the most minor instances place you and your tenants in a compromising position. Here's what you can do.

Property Emergency Evacuations: What You Need to Know

Life safety on your property includes knowing when building occupants need to leave the property and having the right procedures set in place to do so. Learn more in this blog post.

You Should Know About the Cons of Cell Phone Use for Emergencies

Cell phones may be the sleekest, but they aren't the safest when it comes to emergencies. Property managers who rely on tenants using cell phones instead of emergency phones leave themselves, their tenants, and their property vulnerable. Here's why.

Property Safety: The Small Items that Make a Difference

Emergency preparedness and response are key elements of property safety, but they shouldn't be the only focus. Your tenants need to feel comfortable and know how to get help in all vulnerable situations that occur onsite, not just life threatening ones.

Best Ways To Communicate With Your Tenants Digitally

It's no longer a novel idea to use digital technology to reach your tenants- it's an expectation. But with ever-advancing tool sets, figuring out how to do it effectively can be daunting. Here's how to do it right by considering the tenant's experience.

Why Are Some People Afraid of Elevators ?

The fear of elevators is a common phobia. As a property manager with elevators onsite, it's important you understand why some tenants face this and the do-able actions you can take to help and to maintain a pleasant tenant experience for all. Here's how.

Why You Need a Pool Phone Regardless of State Laws

Pool phones not required by law in your state? Not having one will still leave you, your residents, and your property vulnerable to many life safety issues. Here's what you need to know.

What You Should Know About Elevator Safety

Our Kings III SafeCall elevator phones are designed for unmatched reliability and are IBC, ASME, and ADA compliant, UL listed and CSA approved.

When An Elevator Entrapment Requires Extra Care

Imagine one of your tenants being trapped in an elevator for more than an hour. How do you envision the call would be handled? Here we walk through actual audio of such an entrapment, demonstrating how our service is exemplary in a situation like this.

Reputation Management for Property Managers

As a property manager, you know that prospective tenants are swayed by your online presence. Here's how you can use reputation management to put your best face forward.

Breaking Language Barriers During an Emergency Call

Being in emergency response, we have to be there for everyone who needs us, but factoring in multiculturalism and the many different languages that come with it, this can be difficult for many monitoring companies. Here's how we do it differently.

Woman Trapped in NYC Elevator for 3 Days : What We Can Learn

This is not about pointing out or piling on, but rather understanding that it is often someone else's unfortunate situation that highlights gaps we have in our own processes. Perfect opportunity to test your own emergency systems, elevator or otherwise, and see if they measure up.

Tenant Satisfaction : Being Transparent

In the property management industry, keeping tenants satisfied is a non-negotiable. Of course, many factors contribute to tenant satisfaction. One of the top items? Clear communication. Here's how you can be transparent by your tenants' standards.

Property Renovation Checklist

New year, new property? It's always important to look for ways to improve your site, especially at the beginning of the year. See our property renovation recommendations along with tips for keeping things running smoothly while the changes are underway.

Handling False Alarms on Your Property

Why are false emergency calls made? Simply put, we're all susceptible to human error. Property managers may face repercussions for false emergency calls made on-site, but this doesn't have to be the case. See how Kings III handles these situations.

PropTech Solutions Aimed at Improving the Tenant Experience

With a whole world of PropTech options available, which of these are worth your while? Simply put, you should be looking for opportunities to make you and your tenants' lives easier. We'll walk you through the tech solutions that should be on your radar.

INFOGRAPHIC : Four Tenant Experience Mistakes to Avoid

Just like all property managers, you're on a constant quest to improve your site's tenant experience. What might you be missing? The answers may be simpler than you think. See our infographic and get access to our tenant experience eBook.

Emergency Planning : Preparing for the Worst

When it comes to property safety and emergency preparedness, even your back up plans need back up plans. Being in emergency response, Kings III fully embodies this. See how we help ensure there's ALWAYS someone on the other line to answer emergency calls.

Ready Your Fitness Room for the New Year’s Resolution Rush

If you have a fitness center on-site, you likely know the rush of tenants that blow through come the new year. Your property's gym can be a huge asset, but if you can't meet tenant standards, they'll look elsewhere. Here's how you can prepare.

What Does Gen Z Want As Tenants ?

Move over millennials-- Generation Z is also looking to rent, and they come with a different set of tenant priorities. Here's how you can appeal to this younger generation (without alienating older residents/potential residents).

A Pool Phone in Winter ?

You may be inclined to switch off your pool phone service during your pool's off season, but by doing so you may be leaving your property vulnerable and your residents at risk. Here's what you need to know about pool-related emergencies in the winter.

Create The Most Effective Tenant Satisfaction Survey

Tenant satisfaction surveys are key to making smart and skilled business decisions that make sense for your property. They give you the valuable opportunity to gain more in-depth insight from your consumers. Here are some tips for doing them well.

Do Not Fear the Emergency Phone

ONLY USE IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. You've seen it on fire alarms, emergency phones, etc. But as the property manager, this doesn't necessarily apply to you, as you should regularly test your emergency phones. Here's how to do it right.

Your Elevator Contract: Why You Should Read the Fine Print

You need elevator companies for elevator installations and repairs, but are they your best option for for elevator phone monitoring? See actual examples of the hidden line items in elevator contracts that you're probably overpaying for.

Combating Dispatch Center Shortages During Mass Emergencies

During mass emergencies, such as natural disasters, 911 call centers and other emergency dispatch centers can become limited in resources and can only help so many people. Learn how Kings III works to withstand this phenomenon.

The Hottest Current Elevator Upgrade : Machine Room-Less Elevator

Machine Room-Less Elevators (MRLs) are becoming more and more common in the United States. Is this something you should consider for your property? Learn the pros, cons and code requirements associated with the upgrade.

Keeping Properties Safe in the Event of a Power Outage

For those in property management, a power outage isn't just a personal annoyance. It can have large-scale and sometimes even dangerous implications. If a power outage occurs on your site, these are the safety items you must pay attention to.

Property Management Safety Concerns By The Numbers

Emergency preparedness is a must for property managers, but unless you've encountered a large onsite emergency, you may find yourself running through the motions. These numbers show why preparation must be taken seriously and what you should prepare for.

Hurricane Season 2017 Update – One Year Later

It has been a little over a year since Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria wreaked havoc on our country, but some of the property damage remains lasting. Take a look at what still needs to be done and how you can prevent damage during this year's hurricane season.

Flood Insurance for your Property – Take Action While You Can

Come November 30th, property managers may not have access to the same flood insurance options. Congress must reevaluate the National Flood Insurance Program on this date, and its authorization isn't guaranteed. Learn what this means for you.

Laundry Facility Safety Tips for Property Managers

Have a laundry facility on-site? Life safety should apply throughout your entire property, but there are certain areas, like the laundry facility, that present unique risks and require extra care. Take these steps to ensure things run safely and smoothly.

America Is Facing A Call Center Worker Shortage

Recent news has shown that 911 emergency call centers have been struggling, making dedicated emergency telephone call centers more important than ever. See how Kings III is rising to the occasion.

Emergency Telephones for Vulnerable Property Areas

When it comes to property safety, it is important to address vulnerable areas on your property with specific safety needs. Here are some common on-site areas that often require extra protection.

Property Unit Inspections : How and When

Property managers recognize the importance of preventative maintenance and inspections when it comes to property safety/upkeep, but the lines become a little blurred when it comes to unit inspections. Perform them effectively with these tips.

Your Emergency Action Plan : Addressing an Active Shooter

Active shooter preparedness has, unfortunately, become an essential part of property emergency response. Learn tips you can give your tenants, employees and visitors should they ever face an active shooter or other violent situation at your building or property.

Kings III Appoints New COO

Norm Nelson Appointed as Kings III COO

Flash Flood Protection and Safety Tips

Some of the most common emergencies that property managers encounter are weather-related, with flash flooding right at the top of the list. Just because flash flooding is common doesn't mean it can't produce grave results. Here's how you can prepare.

Protect Yourself When Dealing With An Unstable Tenant

In property management, the goal is to make all tenants happy. Unfortunately, this can't always be the case. Learn what you can do to prevent running into this as well as how to mitigate the situation if it does occur in order to keep you and your tenants safe.

Your Best Options for an Area of Refuge

An area of refuge is essential when it comes to emergency preparedness and keeping your tenants safe. This area is used in lieu of a safe escape route, for instance, a stairwell. These spaces may also...

Lobby Security Basics

In both commercial and residential buildings, a lobby acts as the transition from the public zone to the private zone. A lobby can also act as a buffer, establishing security for the people working an...

Expansion Continues at Kings III

Kings III Commitment to Growth is Evident as New Talent Joins the Business Development Team

Kings III VP of Sales to Speak at BOMA International Conference & Expo

David Bryant, Kings III VP of Sales to Speak at BOMA International Conference & Expo

How To Safely Deal With Vacant Properties

Vacant and abandoned properties are open invitations to criminals, vandals, squatters, trespassers, fires, rats and illegal activities. They can also be intriguing (and dangerous) to children.In addit...

Talk To Your Tenants About Fire Safety

When was the last time you reviewed fire safety with your tenants? Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to be sure that you will never have a fire on your property, but as the property manager, the...

Safety Amenities That Attract Families and Singles

Now that an increasing number of Americans -- especially millennials and up-and-comers -- are choosing renting over buying their homes, the amenity game has become intensely competitive, as they are n...

Campus Safety Tips

Recent tragic news events have created new discussions about campus security. Although certain horrendous episodes may never be able to be deterred from happening again in the future, campus students ...

How Kings III Makes Purchasing Easy for Our Government Clients

Kings III values our government clients and recognizes their unique needs. Learn more about how Kings III makes purchasing simpler for government entities.

How To Detect Structural Damage in Public Pools

Property managers who oversee pools already know that this amenity does not come cheap. Just the installation itself can cost often cost $20,000 or more, consuming an average of about 15,000 to 30,000...

Kings III Joins BOMA International as a Cornerstone Partner

Kings III is excited to announce that we are a Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International Cornerstone Partner.

Your Quick and Easy Elevator Code Checklist

Elevator code compliance doesn't have to be as daunting as it seems. Make sure your bases are covered with help from this elevator code checklist- including ASME, ADA, IBC and NEC.

Do You Know How Much Your Elevator Phone Costs You ?

Your elevator phone and elevator phone monitoring may be a larger budget line item than you think. Take a look at how the costs can add up over time.

Child Safety in a Commercial Building

Commercial buildings are typically designed with adults in mind, but visiting children are a frequent occurrence. As the property manager, you are liable for children safety in your commercial building. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Often Overlooked ADA Compliance Areas on Your Property

We all want everybody, regardless of ability, to live without discrimination, but many property managers run into uncertainties when it comes to The Americans with Disabilities Act. Make sure your property is totally compliant and accessible to all.

Elevator Video Communication for 2018 IBC Code Update

What does the new 2018 International Building Code 3001.2 update mean for building owners and property managers?

Parking Lot Safety Tips

Parking lot safety isn't always the first area that property managers look at when it comes to property safety, but in reality, parking lots can be hot spots for many different types of danger. Learn what you can to do help keep your parking lot safe.

Kings III Emergency Dispatch Call Series : Volume 7

With elevator, pool and other help phone monitoring, Kings III's goal is to provide an added sense of security and reduce liability for your building. See real examples of real emergency calls that our operators took in December 2017 and January 2018.

Life Safety for Children on Multifamily Properties

Life safety for both your adult AND children residents is your responsibility, and children come with their own unique set of risks. Here are some safety measures that you can take on your multifamily property specifically with children in mind.

Elevator Modernization Types to Consider

As a property manager, you know that elevator modernizations can be necessary. This blog will help you determine if you're in need of a modernization & presents common ones to choose from, including solar-powered elevators, an energy efficient option.

Behind the Scenes : Who Answers Your Emergency Phone ?

Josh, Heidi and Jorge all regularly handle emergency phone calls made to Kings III. Learn more about what such an important job looks like from their end in this interview blog post.

Kings III Appoints Elevator Partner Program Manager

Kings III's new hire, Kevin Rippentrop, will be working hard to develop valuable relationships with elevator companies to further both businesses.

Preparing for Unique and Unexpected Property Emergencies

It is essential that property managers are prepared to keep their tenants and property safe, even during disasters that are not standard or predictable. See examples of such property emergencies and learn what you can do about them in this blog post.

How To Stay Safe as a Property Manager

Property managers stay safe by making a conscious effort to look out for the safety of their properties and tenants, but they don't always actively think about their own safety. Here are property manager safety tips that they should follow.

Protect Your Property From Vandalism

Vandalism is a threatening and common issue that many property managers will unfortunately run into at one point or another, but there are steps you can take to prevent vandalism and other similar property emergencies. Read on in this blog post.

Kings III Emergency Dispatch Call Series : Volume 6

With elevator, pool and other help phone monitoring, Kings III's goal is to provide an added sense of security and reduce liability for your building. See real examples of real emergency calls that our operators took in November 2017.

Why an Old School Emergency Phone Trumps a Mobile Safety App

Landlines are quickly disappearing from our everyday lives, but what's true for the individual does not always compute for public areas. Emergency phones offer invaluable parking lot and campus safety benefits unmatched by the cell phone. Learn why.

How Safe Are Your Stairs ?

We don't often think about stairwells, but for property managers, they require a lot of thought and preventative measures. Read to help ensure stronger, sturdier stairs and stairwells.

Hold On! Step Into The Fastest Elevators in the World

As buildings become smarter, elevators are becoming faster. Discover how and where the world's fastest elevators are moving.

Kings III Emergency Dispatch Call Series : Volume 5

With elevator, pool and other help phone monitoring, Kings III's goal is to provide an added sense of security and reduce liability for your building. See real examples of real emergency calls that our operators took in September and October 2017.

Property Managers : Check Out The Latest Tech Designed For You

Property managers often have to wear many hats. This can get stressful and time consuming, but with certain technology tools, you can operate efficiently with ease. In this blog post, see what's out there to help you work better.

Keep Your Self-Storage Facility Safe With These Tips

Storage facilities don't come without their own challenges and safety issues. Here's a few safety items of which to pay attention.

Kings III Appoints New Regional Business Development Manager in Southeastern Markets

Kings III's new hire, Mark Westbrook, will be working hard to make connections and grow our business in the Southeast.

Property Management To Do’s During Hurricane Season

Between June and November, hurricane season becomes a force of nature that property managers need to reckon with -- and prepare for. Keep this post handy to get yourself, your staff and your tenants into hurricane-ready preparedness.

Improve Your Property with Meaningful Property Inspections

Property inspections done right can be an extremely effective tool. Unfortunately, many inspections are performed without clear direction and end up a rather passive routine. Use these tricks to see direct tangible improvements from your inspection.

Learn More About Our Emergency Communications Operators

Get acquainted on a more personal level with some of the Kings III operators that handle your emergency calls and learn more about what they do to contribute to your property's safety. Meet Victor and Briona!

Winterize Your Pool : Tips for the Off-Season

Pool season may be coming to an end, but any property manager with a pool on their property knows that pool maintenance doesn't stop just because it's closed. Here are some manageable tips to maintain your pool this off season.

Kings III Emergency Dispatch Call Series : Volume 4

With elevator, pool and other help phone monitoring, Kings III's goal is to provide an added sense of security and reduce liability for your building. See real examples of real emergency calls that our operators took in August 2017.

Property Managers : Should You Use an Online Screening Service?

Screening potential residents is essential for a property manager's liability & overall property safety, and online screening services can make the process more efficient. Learn how using a service benefits you & how to choose one best for your needs.

Kings III Centralizes Your Emergency Communication Needs

Kings III's director of strategic accounts explains why more and more property management companies are looking at emergency communications needs on a portfolio level along with the benefits of doing so through Kings III.

Three Top Complaints Your Residents Are Making

While it may not be your favorite aspect of the business, as a property manager, you know that complaints come with the territory. This blog post looks at 3 top complaints made by apartment residents and what the property manager can do to counteract.

Reputation Management for the Property Manager

Reputation management is especially important for the property manager, as many potential tenants/residents do their initial research online. Learn tips both offline and online to optimized your property's reputation.

Kings III Emergency Dispatch Call Series : Volume 3

With elevator, pool, and other help phone monitoring, Kings III's goal is to provide an added sense of security to your clients and reduce liability for your building. See real examples of real emergency calls that our operators took in July 2017.

Destination Dispatch Systems : Thumbs Up or Down?

The jury is still out on the marketability and success of elevator destination dispatch systems. Here, we size up the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision for your property.

Elevator Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed

The elevator - this often-underappreciated innovation should always remind us that the sky's the limit. Here are some uplifting facts and figures regarding how the rise of elevators has accelerated the capabilities and potential of civilization.

How To Deal With Angry Occupants

As a property manager, you receive more than your daily dose of drama. Much of it happens as a result of spontaneous combustion from angry occupants. Here are some ways to diffuse the situation, often ahead of time, and to keep things running smoothly.

Kings III Emergency Dispatch Series June 2017 : Volume 2

On-site emergency help phones in elevators, parking areas, stairwells and more provide an added sense of security to your occupants and reduce liability for your building. Not convinced? See our real-life examples of how help phones assisted in June 2017.

7 Reasons 911 Should Not Be Your First Emergency Call

When you think of encountering an emergency, you likely automatically think of dialing 911 for help. The problem here is that there are some unknown shortcomings when it comes to 911 centers, especially for property owners.

Kings III Improves Customer Relations by Using Net Promoter Score

Kings III emergency monitoring puts service of the customer above all else. Learn from our VP of Client Services how we improve our services (and how you can too!) using the widely-used Net Promoter System.

Rockbridge Growth Equity Acquires Kings III Emergency Communications

New Partnership Between Rockbridge Growth Equity and Kings III Will Accelerate Growth of Industry-Leading Security Monitoring Company

Get Help With Your Energy Efficiency Efforts

This blog post highlights some of the many energy incentive programs designed to provide funding, rebates, tax deductions, etc. for those applying energy efficient measures within their buildings.

Kings III Emergency Dispatch Call Series: Volume 1

On-site emergency help phones in elevators, parking areas, stairwells and more provide an added sense of security to your clients and reduce liability for your building. See our real-life examples how.

Airbnb and Multifamily Property Management : What to Look Out For

The growing shared economy may involve your property (sometimes even without you being aware). Be sure you're on your game when it comes to property management liability and safety if occupants are using Airbnb to rent your space online.

Unusual Property Emergencies : How to Prepare for the Unexpected

Property managers know that property disasters aren't always predictable. This doesn't mean that they cannot and should not be prepared for. See an example of a real unexpected apartment emergency and how to safely counteract such an instance.

Do You Have Records of the Emergency Calls on Your Property?

Recording all emergency phone calls made from your property can both decrease your property management liability and increase your property safety. See how doing so can specifically benefit you.

Renting to Millennials : The Possibilities and the Liabilities

Property managers have no shortage of Millennials looking to rent, but with a rush often comes unforeseen traps, sometimes creating a property management liability. We suggest six red flags to consider when opening your doors to younger renters.

Property Manager Advice: Be Aware of these Common Occupant Hoaxes

Property managers can end up in a heap of trouble due to the dishonesty of their occupants more often than they may think. This blog addresses some of the common occupant scams that property managers should be aware of and prepare for.

Staying Calm in a Stuck Elevator and How Kings III Can Help

This blog post features a video of an actual call to Kings III's emergency center in which a passenger stuck in an elevator freaked out and provides tips on what to do to keep calm should you find yourself panicking in a stuck elevator.

Top 5 Pool Safety and Maintenance Resources

In order to make sure multifamily property managers are doing everything they can to further their pool safety and maintenance this pool season, Kings III provides 5 resources from across the web with unique pool safety tips and guidelines.

Behind the Emergency Call: A Kings III EDC Operator Interview

Kings III's Emergency Dispatch Center Operator, Jacob, answers interview questions, providing details on the types of emergency calls that he has to take, his appreciation for his colleagues and management, what he thinks makes Kings III unique & more.

Pool Cleanliness Tips for Property Managers

Pool season is an exciting time, but it does create a new set of responsibilities for the multifamily property manager. This blog post provides the property with manageable and actionable items to maintain the pool cleanliness required by their residents.

Preferred Tenant Amenities in the Commercial Real Estate Space

While preferred occupant amenities are more streamlined among residential properties, those within commercial property management can also provide particular amenities that will make their building more attractive to tenants, as discussed in this blog.

Kings III Increases Reliability by Installing New Generator

Kings III's VP of Technology, Dave Mann, explains how Kings III's recent installation of a backup generator benefits its customers.

Preventative Maintenance for Your Property

Learn how preventative maintenance can be beneficial as a property manager as well as tips on how you should carry these preventative measures out within this blog post.

Code Compliant with HUD’s New Smoke-Free Rule?

The HUD smoke-free regulation takes effect this February 2017. Multifamily property managers can refer to this blog to learn some of the benefits that come with the regulation and to quickly ensure that they are in compliance.

Kings III and National Accounts

In this blog post, Kings III's Director of Strategic Accounts discusses recent survey findings about why nation-wide management companies choose to do business with us beyond cost savings.

Emergencies at the Super Bowl

Super Bowl emergencies aren't quite what people think of on the big game day, but they happen. Kings III highlights some example emergency scenarios and reasons why Super Bowl attendees are lucky to have access to Kings III phones at the NRG Stadium.

Safety Tips for the Property Manager

Property managers often overlook some of the dangers associated with meeting strangers and showing their properties alone. This blog post offers property manager safety tips that lessen the likelihood of a dangerous situation while on the job.

Kings III and Apartment Complex Safety

Unfortunately, in multi-family property management, there are many types of emergencies that can occur within your apartment complex. This blog posts walks through a video featuring some such emergencies and explains what Kings III does to help.

Hold Occupants Liable and Reduce Property Management Costs

In property management, it is often hard to cut costs without sacrificing the safety or quality of a building. This blog post suggests doing so by holding occupants liable for some responsibilities and costs with 2 specific techniques on how to do so.

Property Management- What NOT to Do

This blog post contains common mistakes made in property management that can have significant repercussions. Property managers should avoid these items in order to perform optimally and constantly improve.

Testing Your Emergency Phones

Emergency phones serve a very important purpose, but if you do not regularly test your phones, they may not be code compliant or even function safely and effectively. This blog covers how to easily test your phones to ensure functionality and compliance.

Get to Know Our Emergency Communications Operators

In this post, we interview some of Kings III's emergency communications operators for an inside look at what it's like for them within our emergency communications center, including what is the craziest call they have ever had to take.

Attracting Millennial Occupants

As millennials continue to make up a larger and larger share of those renting properties, it is important for property managers to take measures to make their rentals attractive to this generation. This blog post provides guidelines on how to do so.

Top Issues Property Managers Face and How to Fix Them

This blog post names common issues that many property managers regularly face along with how to fix them so that the property manager can prepare and act accordingly should they run into one.

ADA Alterations- Determining What is Readily Achievable

Property managers must make all alterations to comply to ADA regulations that are considered readily achievable, but how can you determine what exactly that means? This blog post relays just how to do so.

Get Help With Your Energy Efficiency Efforts

This blog post highlights some of the many energy incentive programs designed to provide funding, rebates, tax deductions, etc. for those applying energy efficient measures within their buildings.

What is an Advanced Emergency Medical Dispatch Certification?

An Advanced Emergency Medical Dispatch certification exceeds all national requirements and allows emergency communications dispatchers to handle emergency calls appropriately and provide best possible responses. Learn more specifics in this blog.

Crime Prevention for Your Building

This blog post offers methods of crime prevention that building owners and property managers can implement in order to increase the safety of their properties as well as their tenants and residents.

Setting the Framework For Your Emergency Action Plan

This blog post highlights what building owners should include in an effective Emergency Action Plan, including items such as responsibilities, emergency procedures for specific hazards and more.

Kings III Takes All Emergency Calls from Your Property

Emergency communications centers aid in helping with all sorts of unique and dangerous emergencies. This blog post includes a video with actual calls and walks through some actual emergency situations that Kings III has answered to.

An Interview With Our Emergency Communications Center Manager

This blog post features interview questions with the manager of our emergency communications center including what her favorite thing about her job is, the craziest call she's ever gotten and more.

Parking Garage Upkeep and Safety

As a property manager, it is just as important to tend to your parking garage safety and maintenance as it is to care for the rest of your building. See what steps you can take to make your parking garage a pleasant place for building tenants.

Occupancy Trends for Commercial and Multifamily Buildings

Property managers are constantly looking to find more about occupancy trends for market research purposes. This blog post goes over projected occupancy trends for the remainder of 2016 in both the multifamily and commercial realm.

Elevator Conversations with Our Emergency Communications Experts

Emergency communications monitoring isn't just about taking care of the end result. This blog post walks through a video with actual calls to Kings III to show several other service areas to pay attention to.

Fitness Center Safety

Kings III provides fitness center safety tasks and instructions for those responsible for a fitness center on their property along with safety tips that their residents should be made aware of and carry out as well.

Severe Weather and Building Management

This blog post provides tips when encountering unexpected, severe weather for those responsible for a building and its occupants. It includes steps from before to after the weather hits.

How Emergency Phones Offer Help for Seniors and Children

Children and the elderly often require an extra level of care, especially when it comes to emergencies, which is why emergency phones can be such an important item for their safety in public places. Learn more.

Marketing for Property Managers

Marketing is a hot topic in property management, as property managers always need new business and it can be hard to keep up with both changes in marketing technology and marketing trends. Read three effective marketing methods for property managers.

Kings III Emergency Communications is in the Service Industry

Providing emergency communications for help phones is a service at Kings III. Within this blog, specific, actual calls made to the Kings III EDC are featured in order to highlight several particular ways our service goes above and beyond the usual.

Building Maintenance Checklist

Property and facilities managers have a wide range of building maintenance items to look after in order to keep their building running the way that it should be.This blog post covers some of the most important items to look after.

A Look into a Day as a Kings III Facilities Manager

Here at Kings III, we work with many facilities managers and see the type of responsibilities and issues they are concerned with. Kings III's facilities manager, Lisa, speaks about her experience in the role and how it relates to Kings III as a whole.

Energy Efficiency Tips for Commercial Building HVAC Systems

Energy efficiency in commercial buildings is important for both cost and sustainability purposes. HVAC systems are a large part of commercial energy consumption. This blog covers ways that your HVAC systems can save energy.

Myths About Drowning

Pool emergencies like drowning occur far too often. Many times this is because the public is misinformed about a lot of aspects of drowning. Simple awareness of drowning myths can be preventative. This blog covers some top drowning myths people have.

Taking the Lead in Pursuit of Excellent Customer Service

Across most job types, one thing is consistent: customer service is extremely important. One of our field managers discusses what this means to her and advice on how to apply customer service with any job.

Ways of Reducing Elevator Emergencies and Entrapments

Elevator entrapments and emergencies: although unpleasant, unfortunately they are often an inevitable part of life when you manage a building. While not always completely avoidable, there are some actions you can take to prevent them. Learn more here.

Types of Emergency Phones

As a property manager, there are several areas on your property that you should be considering emergency phones for. This blog post highlights some of the most common areas that property managers often protect with emergency phones.

Public Pool Safety Tips

Pool safety is so important for multifamily property owners. Responsibility falls on them to keep their pool occupants safe. This blog covers pool safety tips that the building owners can follow themselves as well as tips to pass on to residents.

Who is on the Other End of a Kings III Emergency Pool Phone?

Who answers the emergency pool phone on your property? Is your pool maintained and safe for residents? Property managers are responsible for making the pool safe for residents. Learn about Kings III pool phones and how we answer emergency calls.

Fire Prevention for Your Building

Building fire prevention is extremely important for property managers because a fire has huge implications in costs, liability and tenant safety. This blog reviews certain practices that property managers can carry out to lessen the chance of a fire.

Using Help Phones for Emergency Communications

This blog post highlights the advantages to using help phones in any high risk area for emergency communications purposes and the standard of service to expect from your emergency communications provider.

When Should You Look into Elevator Modernization?

People believe that generally an elevator modernization should occur every twenty years or so, but there are many other important indicators as well. This blog post points out other tell-tale indicators that your elevator may be due for a modernization.

How Our Emergency Communications Center Handles Entrapments

How does an emergency communications center actually handle an elevator entrapment? This blog post walks you through an actual recording of an elevator entrapment that occurred and the procedure that Kings III goes through to take care of it.

An Inside Look at Our Emergency Communications Center: The EDC

This blog features interview questions with several of our emergency communications dispatchers including what their favorite thing about their job is, the craziest call they've ever gotten and more.

Avoid the Property Manager’s Enemy: Tenant Turnover

Tenant retention is huge for the property manager in order to avoid excessive costs. Nothing can guarantee tenant retention, but this blog post highlights some aspects that can definitely influence it.

Not All Emergencies are the Same

In total, our emergency dispatch center received 1,114,054 emergency communications calls last year, and not all of them are what you might expect. Learn about some examples of calls that they received and how they handled the situations.

The Ins and Outs of a 911 Call

Many people think that 911 dispatch centers have the best practices and highest training for handling emergencies while this is just not the case. Learn common misconceptions about this emergency communications center.

Elevator Phone Line Sharing Done Right

If you are tempted to cut your elevator phone costs by practicing line sharing, know that there is a right and wrong way to do so. This blog highlights how to share elevator phone lines while remaining code compliant.

Common Misconceptions About Elevators

Both property managers and casual elevator riders alike have some incorrect ideas about elevators, how they work and when they malfunction. The good news is, most of these truths about elevators will surprise you for the better.

Elevator Emergency Communications in Historic Dallas Texas

Employees bet on odds of elevator emergency communications breakdown in Historic Downtown Dallas Texas. What would you do in case of an elevator emergency?

How to Handle Getting Stuck in an Elevator

Kings III, emergency communications experts, offers up advice on what to do if you get stuck in an elevator to get yourself out with as little danger and panic as possible.

Trapped in an Airport Elevator

How the vast difference in the way emergency calls are handled came to life for me when I experienced being trapped in an elevator for myself.

Vince Lovato of Kings III Receives Dallas IREM Champion Award

Vince Lovato of Kings III was nominated for the Dallas IREM Champion Award by Carol Borchardt and received the award on June 10 at the IREM Luncheon.

Dry and Secondary Drowning

If you have a pool on your property, you and your residents need to be aware of dry and secondary drowning. This blog post provides tips on symptoms to look out for, prevention methods and what to do in the event of a dry or secondary drowning.

Kings III Surprises 2014 $3000 Giveaway Winner

For the past two years, Kings III has surprised one lucky $3,000 giveaway winner...

Kings III Faces Fiber Optic Mishap

Kings III Emergency Communications Handles Potential Service Interruption Better than Many 911 Facilities

Kings III Announces $3000 Winner

Kings III Emergency Communications Announces their 2013 $3000 Winner!

Kings III Expands Dispatch Center

Kings III Emergency Communications Expands Emergency Dispatch Center to Accommodate Increased Demand

Most Kings III customers save money by reducing their telecom and maintenance expenses.