Types of Emergency Phones: Glossary and Resources

2024-12-02T11:41:38-06:00By |

If you are looking into information on emergency phones, it’s worth getting some context on all emergency response options at a high level. Here, we’ll attempt to do just that with a ‘types of emergency phones’ glossary where we’ll provide important facts and links to outside resources for ALL types of emergency phones, along with special considerations.

The Downfalls of Using a Deactivated Cell Phone for Your Emergency Pool Phone

2024-12-02T11:50:28-06:00By |

We have found as an emergency pool phone provider that there are multifamily communities unaware that their current pool phone service is actually using a deactivated cell phone. Depending on the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), this often does not pass inspection for several reasons. This puts both property managers and their tenants at risk. Learn why.  

A Pool Phone in Winter ?

2024-01-10T03:15:09-06:00By |

You may be inclined to switch off your pool phone service during your pool's off season, but by doing so you may be leaving your property vulnerable and your residents at risk. Here's what you need to know about pool-related emergencies in the winter.