Kings III Lands Spot on Top Workplaces USA 2021

2021-06-22T16:49:13-05:00By |

Kings III is honored to be recognized by its employees and The Top Workplaces National Programs by earning the Top Workplaces USA 2021 reward in the 150-499 employees category, ranking in the top 5% for multiple culture drivers including clued-in employees, supportive managers, strong values, meaningful work, leaders-in-the-know, employee appreciation, and cross-team cooperation.

How Building Certifications May Attract Potential Tenants

2023-03-09T22:13:21-06:00By |

Building certifications are an official way to set your property apart and authentically advertise its high quality and superior features. Getting certified can boost your building’s bottom line, further focus your marketing strategy and, ultimately, attract tenants. Here, we list some of the most popular and highly regarded building certifications in commercial real estate.